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  • office@juststumpit.com
  • OHIO

Our videos

How much cost for stump grinding.

Very often people hesitate to remove a stump because they do not know how much this service costs. Our video was created to help those who want to find out the price as soon as possible, without making commitments to the service provider. And you will satisfy your curiosity. And it is not a hassle for us.
We have noticed that customers like to watch stump grinding. But it is long and unsafe. That is why we decided to release short videos for the most spectacular orders.

What to do with a stump if you can’t dig deep?

We say “Don’t dig”. What happens, watch the video.

Why do you think there is a boot on our logo?

Stumps and overgrown bushes take up useful space. You can’t use it as you wish. You can’t stand there. You can’t put furniture there.You can’t play with your children. You can’t cultivate that piece of land because it’s in the hands of encroachers. Get rid of them. Remove the stumps and overgrown bushes. It’s really wonderful!
Our next videos are about this.
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