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Chemical stump removal

How do we remove stumps using chemistry?

Under normal conditions, a stump occupies the ground for years. We accelerate the decomposition of the stump by adding active organic substances inside it, creating a favorable environment for the proliferation of beneficial organisms that feed on wood.

How effective is the method?

Trees have an extensive root system that goes deep into the ground. Composting activators soften the stump, making it edible and tasty for worms, bacteria and other living organisms involved in the production of humus. They eat it completely, along with the roots, in about one year. The metod is effective even at low temperature, since decomposition processes are accompanied by the release of heat. But elevated temperature can stop the process.
The photo shows a tree with a fibrous root system.
how to save money on stump grinding

Launch still requires favorable weather. Therefore, the best time to start work is in the second half of summer and the fall before the onset of frost.


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It's safe?

it is important

Since the process of returning organic matter to the soil occurs at an accelerated pace, this can lead to a change in the Ph of the soil and an excess of nitrates in this area. Therefore, we recommend planting inedible fast-growing plants with a large volume of green mass in the first year. They help reduce the amount of nitrates to normal levels.

How else can composting activators be useful?

Removing dead wood

The method of accelerated organic decomposition of wood can be used to clear forests without the use of physical force and special equipment. You can create a park in your backyard without much expense.

The photo shows an example of how a forest can be transformed by clearing it of dead wood and undergrowth.

How to get rid of wood chips after stump grinding?

In some cases, we can collect most of the wood chips and place them in a place convenient for you, or take them away. Please discuss this with us during your estimate. You can collect the wood chips yourself after a few days.
Service for tree stump removal by grinding.
From one medium-sized stump you can collect approximately one cubic meter of wood chips. Composting activators will help you make excellent fertilizer from them. You will be able to use this fertilizer next year. Make sure the sawdust remains moist. You can add any plant organic matter to this mixture: mowed grass or fallen leaves.
how to save money on stump grinding

This compost is good in a greenhouse. It perfectly maintains temperature and humidity while leaving the soil loose. Worms multiply quickly in such soil. Beneficial microorganisms protect plants from diseases.

project expert
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